Seed Production and Marketing

Grow to sell is our motto.


UAB is engaged in production and supply of best quality seeds of improved crop varieties and hybrids covering Cereals, Bast-fibres, Pulses and Oilseeds, primarily publicly bred.

UAB also deals with quality seed production and marketing of major Cruciferous, Cucurbitaceous, Leguminous and Solanaceous vegetables besides dark green leafy vegetables, Red Amaranth and bulbous crops.

UAB specialises in Coffee and Black pepper production and marketing.

Seed production undertaken by UAB at a glance:

Cereals: Rice (both OP and Hybrid), Wheat, Maize (Hybrid, HQPM), Millets (TL)

Oilseeds: Groundnut, Soybean, Linseed, Sesame, Rapeseed-Mustard

Pulses: Green gram, Black gram, Chickpea, Lentil, Field pea and Pigeon pea

Fibre: Jute, Sun hemp


- Solanaceous: Aubergine (Brinjal), Chilli, Tomato

- Cucurbitaceous: Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Pumpkin

- Cruciferous: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Radish

- Leguminous: Beans, Cowpea, Garden pea

In addition, UAB undertakes seed production in Okra, Spinach, Amaranth, Onion, among others, in large quantities.

UAB has also been very successful in commercial plantation of Coffee and Black pepper in Koraput area of Odisha State. In addition, we can also supply homegrown nutri cereals like Quinoa, Minor millets, Buck wheat and omega rich Flax; and other condiments like Saffron and Cardamom.